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The Current Situation in Israel and International Humanitarian Law

The current situation in Israel is an example of an a-symmetric conflict: a terror organisation (HAMAS) wages war against a democratic state (Israel). Prof. Geoffrey Corn (USA) will tell what International Humanitarian Law says about this.
The Current Situation in Israel and International Humanitarian Law

Guest speaker: Prof. Geoffrey Corn

Date: 19 May 2021
Time:5 pm CET / 11 am EST
45 mins

The Briefing

The current situation in Israel is an outstanding example of an a-symmetric conflict in which a terror organisation (HAMAS) wages war against a democratic state (Israel) by raining missiles on civic centers.
What does the Law of War / International Humanitarian Law say about this?
How should the Israeli government respond to this act of terror in order to protect its population, and what is a ‘proportional’ response?

Guest speaker

Prof. Geoffrey S. Corn is professor of National Security Law at South Texas College of Law, Houston, and a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel. His Army career included service as both an intelligence officer and a military attorney. His last position with the Army was as senior law of war expert advisor for The Judge Advocate General and Chief of the Law of War Branch. He is co-author of i.a. The Law of Armed Conflict: An Operational Perspective, and The Laws of War and the War on Terror.

Moderator: Andrew Tucker, Director thinc.

The briefing will be hosted on Zoom and recorded. The recording will be made available on the thinc. website.

You can use this link to attend ( – no registration required.

Oren Rozen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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