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The Hague Statement of jurists on the Israel-Palestine conflict in 7 languages

The Hague Statement of jurists summarizes the conclusions of a 2-day conference about the legal implications of UNSC Resolution 2334 and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice re. the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The Hague Statement of jurists on the Israel-Palestine conflict in 7 languages

The Hague Statement of jurists on the Israel-Palestine conflict is available in the following seven languages:

On 28th and 29th June 2017, 24 international lawyers and experts in the field of international law, from 12 nations, convened at the Peace Palace in The Hague to discuss the legal implications of UN Security Counsil (UNSC) Resolution 2334 and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Res 2334 refers to the 2004 Advisory Opinion regarding the construction of a wall in the so-called “Occupied Palestinian Territory”. The lawyers and experts examined the extent to which this resolution and the Advisory Opinion should be considered to have resolved the long-standing dispute about sovereignty in these Territories.

In particular, they investigated the interpretation and use of international law by the UNSC and ICJ. They also examined the role that international law should play in facilitating a peaceful resolution of the Israel-Palestine dispute.

The participants agreed to the issuance of a statement, by thinc., which summarizes the conversation and its conclusions: The Hague Statement of jurists on the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Statement was issued on 31 October 2017, it covers three Guiding Principles and nine Legal Propositions.

The purpose of the Statement is to encourage discussion about the way international law is being interpreted and applied, and should include a review of the legal issues raised by the ICJ Advisory Opinion and Security Council Resolution 2334.

An Extended Edition of the Statement, including maps and transcripts of (excerpts from) external and historic documents, was issued on 30 November 2017. It is this Extended Edition that is now available in seven languages.

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