Legal Conditions
For inclusion of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on the European Union
Global terrorism is an integral element of Iran’s goreign policy and its global terrorism agenda is planned and carried out primarily by the IRGC.
Dive into this report to understand how the legal conditions for designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization are largely met.
Report Highlights
1. EU legislation
This report undertakes an inquiry into the objects and terms of the relevant EU legislation, and whether the legal and factual conditions contained therein have been satisfied.
2. Global Terrorism Agenda
3. Political Assasination
The IRGC has well-documented record of employing political assassination and intimidation tactics in Europe.
*The designation precedents set by the United States in April 2019 and, more recently, by Canada in June 2024 underscore that the IRGC’s patronage of other listed entities like Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jijad, and the Taliban has helped to advance Iran’s and foreign policy and interests.