The Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) – pursuant to UNGA Res. 77/247


On 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) fulfilled the request of the UN General Assembly (Res. 77/247) to render an Advisory Opinion about “Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”. The UN General Assembly from 24-28 September 2024 resolutions were be tabled to implement the Advisory Opinion with significant consequences to Israel. To understand the complexities and implications of the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion in which the UN resolution was based, we invite you to read the executive summary and the full briefing available below.

To understand the complexities and implications of the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion in which the UN resolution was based, we invite you to read the executive summary and the full briefing available below.

Report Highlights

1. Sovereignty Overlooked:

The ICJ’s opinion disregards Israel’s legal and historical claims to East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

2. Security Compromised:

The Advisory Opinion completely disregards Israel’s legitimate territorial integrity and security concerns.

3. Negotiations Prevented:

The Opinion undermines the Oslo Accords and the internationally-sanctioned peace process based on negotiated settlement of the conflict.

This One-Sided Advisory Opinion rewards the Palestinians (as proxies of Islamist radical groups and Iran) for using violence instead of negotiating and threatens the UN’s primary objectives of maintaining world peace and security.

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To understand the complexities and implications of the issue, we invite you to read the full briefing available below.

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