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Is Israel’s Fight Against Hamas Justified Under International Law?

The latest escalation between Israel and Hamas, and the recent decision of the ICC to open an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have brought the century-long dispute back into the legal arena. ELNET and thinc. invite you to a roundtable to discuss the challenges and consequences of legalizing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
Is Israel’s Fight Against Hamas Justified Under International Law?

The latest escalation between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and the recent decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have brought the century-long dispute back into the legal arena. To discuss the challenges and consequences of legalizing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ELNET and thinc., invite you to an international roundtable discussion entitled “Is Israel’s fight against Hamas justified under international law?”

Wednesday, June 9, 2021




Welcoming remarks – Dr. Arié Bensemhoun – CEO ELNET France

Introduction – International law and the legitimacy of Israel – Andrew Tucker, Program Director, thinc.

  1. Israel/Gaza: the law of self-defense and the question of “proportionality” – Prof. Laurie Blank, Emory University School of Law, USA
  2. Does Israel respect international law? – Colonel (res.) Adv. Daniel Reisner
  1. Prosecution of Israeli leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity – Dr. Dov Jacobs, Defense Counsel at the ICC and MICT

Each intervention will be followed by a Q&A session.

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