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Conversations – Episode 2: The Abraham Accords

Conversation with Dr. Daphne Barak of IDC Herzliya
Conversations – Episode 2: The Abraham Accords


Episode 2 – The Abraham Accords – a new approach to the Middle East? 

In 2020, Israel entered into a series of agreements with the Arab/Islamic countries United Arab Emirates, Bahrein, Morocco and Sudan, known as the ‘Abraham Accords’. It is said that Israel is negotiating more such agreements.

  • What triggered these agreements, and what are their main terms? 
  • What do these agreements show about changing dynamics in the Middle East?
  • What was the role of the US in negotiating these agreements? 
  • What are the implications for international law in the region? 
  • Are these accords likely to impact the Israel/Palestinian negotiations?

Guest: Dr. Daphné Richemond-Barak is Assistant Professor at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at IDC Herzliya, where she heads the International Program in Government. She also serves as Senior Researcher and Head of the International Law Desk at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), and as an Adjunct Scholar at the Modern War Institute at West Point.

This is the second episode of a series of conversations about Israel, International Relations and Law in a rapidly changing Middle East. The  conversation will include Q&A.


The return of the Jewish people to Palestine over the last 150 years raises many controversial international law issues. The Mandate for Palestine, the failed 1947 UN Partition Plan, the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 followed by Arab/Israeli wars, military administration of territory, the creation of the PLO, the Israel/Palestinian conflict and the Oslo Accords – all involve complex legal, historical, political and even religious aspects.

Is Israel a colonialist enterprise? Is the occupation illegal? Why have Israel and the Palestinians so far been unable to reach agreement about the “occupied” territories? 

In this webinar series, specialists in international law, politics and history share their insights into the current state of international law, major trends, challenges and opportunities.

The conversations will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded and (in the future) live streamed via YouTube. Please, register to participate live in the webinar.

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