The Hague Statement of Jurists on the Israel-Palestine conflict was released on October 31, 2017. It summarizes the conclusions of a two-day conference held at the Peace Palace in The Hague, where 24 international lawyers and experts discussed the legal implications of UN Security Council Resolution 2334 and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. The statement includes three guiding principles, and nine legal propositions aimed at encouraging discussion about the interpretation and application of international law in this context.
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Israel on Trial: How International Law is Being Misused to Delegitimize the State of Israel. This book reviews international law regarding self-determination, statehood, territorial sovereignty, human rights and the right to self-defense. It argues that the two-state solution as defined by the UN is not required by international law.
The authors examine how international law has been used and misused over the last century with regard to the Arab/Israeli conflict. They argue that the historical context of the creation of the State of Israel, especially the Mandate for Palestine, is too often ignored.
By Andrew Tucker & Matthijs de Blois.
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Two States for two Peoples? The EU two-state policy concerning the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is failing, despite a half-century of strenuous EU efforts expending tens of billions of euros to implement it. The reality of policy failure is discomforting but must be acknowledged.
By Prof. Wolfgang Bock, Prof. Gregory Rose and Andrew Tucker.
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