thinc. Bulletin October 2023

thinc. Bulletin October 2023

Proportionality and the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas cum suis

By  Dr. Matthijs de Blois (Senior Fellow, thinc.).

The brutal surprise attack on Israel and its citizens by Hamas and other Islamist militants shocked at least part of the worldThe cruelty of the violence against innocent civilians, including babies, children and elderly people is almost beyond comprehension.

Many agree that Israel has under international law the inherent right to defend itself, as is confirmed by Article 51 of the UN-Charter. Israel has the right to bring about a definitive end to the capacity of the terrorists to kill, maim and kidnap all those citizens and foreigners on its territory. The suggestion by the International Court of Justice in the Wall Advisory Opinion of 2004, that the right to self-defense can only be invoked against aggression by a State has no foundation whatsoever in international law. Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists operating from the Gaza Strip into Israel. These hostile forces did not respect international humanitairan law (IHL) in any way. They started the conflict by violating all its basic principles by killing, maiming, torturing, raping and kidnapping innocent civilians of all ages.

The full article can be found here

Our mission as thinc. is to challenge the use and misuse of law to delegitimize the State of Israel. 

thinc. – visiting Christian & Jewish events in Singapore, Australia and Norway

Singapore, end of September 2023:
Andrew Tucker from thinc. participated in working meetings with various lawyers and business people to discuss and build a network in Singapore with a view to develop a hub for activities in the Asia Pacific area. Good and solid feedback from Singapore!

 Summary of visit to Australia 29 Sept – 9 Oct 2023
 Gold Coast 29 Sept – 4 Oct
About 150 people attended the Kingdom Festival hosted by Kingdom Church on Gold Cost Australia. It was a 5-day event (29 Sept – 4 Oct). Theologian/journalist Johannes Gerloff and Andrew Tucker (thinc.) were main speakers. Mainly people came from Gold Coast Australia and Brisbane area.
The theme of the festival was: THE GATHERING OF THE NATIONS. “Get ready to experience a powerful, life-changing event at Kingdom Festival! Join us on the Gold Coast, Australia for an unforgettable gathering of the nations during the Feast of Tabernacles. Our annual Christian festival is designed to prepare the world for the Lord’s return with inspiring worship, insightful teachings, and practical workshops.” Read more here

Melbourne 5 Oct – 9 Oct
⁃ Thursday 5th Oct: (round table) with leaders of main Jewish organisations, including leaders of main Jewish organizations (ZFA, AIJAC and UIA), young Jewish law students and Christians. Andrew Tucker presented the Two States for Two People? report and discussed lawfare and how to tackle it. Excellent feedback.
⁃ The young Jewish lawyers are interested in being engaged with thinc., and participating in a young lawyers program

⁃ Thursday evening 5th Oct: Church meeting at Trinity Presbyterian church. Johannes and Andrew spoke. About 80 attendees. Very interested, many well-educated people.

⁃ Saturday 7th Oct – 3 hour meeting at congregation in Melbourne. Johannes and Andrew spoke. About 60 attendees. Much interest for the work of thinc.
During the week Andrew met with several Christian Lawyers who are very interested and want to be engaged with thinc.

The Israel seminar in Oslo, Norway

On October 23rd-25th, 2023 Kristen Koalisjon Norge (KKN) held it’s first Israel Seminar in Oslo, in the facilities of Evangeliesalen Berøa Pentecostal Church. The seminar was initiated and led by the pastor couple of Oslokirken, Aina & Jan-Aage Torp, and the keynote speakers were Cornelis Kant who is the executive director of Christians for Israel International, and Andrew Tucker who is the executive director of The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc.).

Presentation of the Two States for Two peoples?  Report to Rev. Jan-Aage Torp  and Mr. Himanshu Gulati, Member of Parliament, Norway.
From left to right: Rev. Jan-Aage Torp, Cornelis Kant (Christians for Israel International) 
Mr. Himanshu Gulati and Andrew Tucker

ABC broadcasting operation, Australia: A short and good interview with Andrew Tucker

On Sunday Morning October 28th Australian time (Saturday evening European time) Andrew Tucker was interviewed by the Australian ABC Broadcasting Corporation on the Israel – Hamas war. Andrew explained in plain words the present key issues in the conflict – a short and interesting interview – watch it here (approx. 6 minutes long)   

Two radio interviews with thinc. Research Director prof. Gregory Rose

Here are two very interesting radio interviews on the current situation in the middeleast.

1. The first one on Illawarra ABC radio, Australia, October 10th. Please go approx 6 minutes into the recording (click this link):

2: The second interview was recorded on October 23rd,  Illawarra ABC radio Australia. Please go approx 1 hour and 5 minutes into the recording – that’s were the interview starts:

On thinc.’s Calendar

Webinar held onOctober 31st at 7PM (Amsterdam time). Hamas-Israel Conflict: The Emerging Humanitarian Crisis and International Law.  Please go here to watch the webinar on “The Emerging Humanitarian Crisis in the Hamas-Israel Conflict.” 

Coming up! 

  • Upcoming speaking engagements by thinc.’s Director Andrew Tucker:
  • CSI Summit 9- 10 November 2023 in Berlin .
  • A conference in Prague, Czech Republic, on November 22-23. Andrew Tucker is among the speakers

Next thinc Webinar to be held on November 14th at 12 and/or 7PM (Amsterdam time). Topic: Problems of proportionality and targeting in the Hamas-Israel Conflict

Save the date: A conference about EU policies is planned on 29th November 2023 in Israel Center, Nijkerk, Netherlands.

Recommended Readings

1) Christians for Israel: Ten reasons to support Israel in this time of war

2) Article in Newsweek: The IDF Faces an Enormous Challenge in Gaza | Opinion

3) Geoff Corn on “The Disproportionate Confusion About Proportionality”


5) Newsweek magazine: Should Hamas be prosecuted for war crimes by the International court?

The Begin-Sadat Center for strategic studies (BESA):
The Gaza War and International Law: An Informed Assessment

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