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Israel and the UN: how the UN works, and how and why Israel is marginalized

Highlights of the Israel on Trial Conference 2023 - Hillel Neuer, UN Watch
Israel and the UN: how the UN works, and how and why Israel is marginalized

Highlights of the Israel on Trial Conference 2023

Hillel Neuer, international lawyer and Executive Director of UN Watch, tells the story of the UN’s increasingly adversarial relationship with Israel. He walks through the history of the UN-Israel relationship, and pulls the veil off some of the extreme institutional bias leveled at the Jewish State from several UN organizations, including the UN Human Rights Council, and the UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees). Neuer calls attention to the parade of dictators, murderers, and despots who have been honored by the UN organizations purporting to be Human Rights oriented – all the while defaming Israel, the Middle East’s only liberal, democratic state, and keeping it as a constant agenda item in the Human Rights Council.

Click here to learn about Hillel’s 3 decades of fighting for Israel at the United Nations.

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